
Great Skin: What is it and How do I get it?

Picture Cate Blanchett. Think of her in the "Elizabeth" days; as Galadriel in "Lord of the Rings"; or as the Saucy One herself: Kate Hepburn.

Now imagine her with Bad Skin.

As much as you hate to admit it, you know this changes things. You may have irregular features or incessantly frizzy hair, but if you have Great Skin you can light up a room.

But what, exactly, is 'Great Skin'? It has even tone and texture, is soft and supple, and has a translucent quality. Now, by 'translucent' I certainly don't necessarily mean 'white'. Translucence appears as a glow from within regardless of ethnicity or heritage.

The way to obtain good tone, texture, softness, and translucence is through regimented skin care. Using the correct products twice a day, combined with a nutritional intake of good fats and tons of water results in pretty skin.

For the next few weeks, I will explore Great Skin in depth, discuss products, and dispel Urban Legends.
Until then, have a dose of Great Skin Eye Candy:

Jourdan Dunn

Ziyi Zhang

Lily Cole

Kate Winslet

Salma Hayek

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